Tuesday 4 September 2012

Winter approaches once more

Feeling a little lost today.
1.        It’s the end of the season, and so I will not have any more events to go to.  The other half doesn’t want to go to the one that is left, and in any case there would be no more friends there to have fun with.
2.       The Winter is approaching.  Whilst I love it, it is a quiet time, somehow less exciting than summer.  It’s cold and dark and wet.  Although wet is something that I’m now used to – and it’s a sure thing that I won’t be camping in it over the next few months.
3.       Lots of work to do.  Final year of a big project, which is not going to be easy, and will take a lot of determination, planning, motivation and constancy.  Mustn’t get distracted.  So might not be blogging very often.
4.       Something very good is waning.  No difference in thought or intention, but I now know the magic has been eroded.  It’s probable that this was inevitable.  Got it out of my system – you know.  And no deterioration of feeling.  Everything has it’s time, and this short time was mine to treasure, and has been treasured.  And will be treasured, ever.  Being lost today is another step on the ladder climbed.  Whether in the right direction or wrong, the sweet truth is that the pursuit is something that should happen.  Stay strong on the ladder, friend, you may reach a better platform, even though there is no lift to assist your progress.  I cannot want anything more – I have not the right or the ambition to join the climb – I have my own ladders to climb.  I’m not jealous though, just thoughtful, and wishing… well, I don’t know what I wish.  I’ve always known my place.
But I do have a few little excursions planned.  These will see me through.  I guess.
If I run on a treadmill, am I benefiting from anything?  I go nowhere.
Well; I guess I will be fitter through the effort.
I still find myself concerned that I would rather spend time away than at home.  Am I fickle, or just in need of variety?  That's a whole other post.