Saturday 22 October 2011

Stuck in the Mud

Well, I'm still here, even though I've not been posting.  And it wasn't because my activity earlier this month debilitated me.  Just that there has been so much going on.  And also that I've been struggling to make enough sense, in one place at one time, in liaison with the computer, to make any cohesive attempt at showing my thoughts.

I've been rather pressured by things that are directly or indirectly my responsibility.  Helping another to make choices, when he really would rather not.  This is a process of sowing the seed, and encouraging conversation to make him order his own mind, and think about the future.  I think we might finally be getting somewhere now.  There has been a change in him that is welcomed.  As I have posted before, it is indifference that really gets my goat, not a strong opinion and then working towards it - even if it is in what I see as the wrong direction.  So I'm happy that the seed has germinated, and now he has to water it and care for it.

...and in spite of the above analogy - it is his seed, not mine.  I just gave him the seed catalogue to look at. 

He might not choose the seed I wanted him to plant - but then it's not my choice - or seed - or goat.

And that is the way it should be.

On a professional front, I've been challenged on work done over a year ago.  It is good to make me go through this and correct the anomaly, but frustrating when I was told that it was all done and dusted, and the problem was not material.  This type of work is not in my comfort zone, although with hard work, I've got through it so far.  One more step to go.  I need to think carefully about this one, but it is doable.

Looking back is good.  It reaffirms what went right and what went wrong.  It's just frustrating to be put on the spot again, when you thought all that was over.  Like opening an old wound, digging a spoon in and waggling it about.  Then adding a bit of salt for good measure.  Oh well- that is what they pay me for. 

Other frustrations abound there - people, circumstances, and an endless battle of priorities.  I simply can't do everything.  There - I've said it.  That's been annoying me hugely this week, as I really want to help everyone.  But I can't do it all - and develop the system too.  There just aren't enough hours in the week.  My working hours are creeping up again... need to watch that one.

But I can remove 'waste' from the system where possible.  Like the 'lean-working' I'm always on about, I can assess the steps of the process and work out what is value-added.  then cut out anything that isn't so categorised.  I've got to do that. 

I think I'll go and sort my tupperware cupboard now.

And yes, these beautiful things really are made of tupperware.  There can be innovation and beauty in all things - a lesson for us all.