Sunday 15 April 2012

And this is how, you remind me...

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
Tired of living like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling
And this is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
for handing you a heart worth breaking
and I've been wrong, i've been down,
been to the bottom of every bottle
these five words in my head
scream "are we having fun yet?"

it's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
And it must have been so bad
Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

And this is how, you remind me
Of what I really am
Love this song.  An extract from 'How you remind me' by Nickleback.

The phrase also is particular to me, although not in the bitter reflections of the song.  I sometimes ponder on how other people influence me, and teach me about myself.

People that mean something,  people I love, consider friends, trust, and respect.  They make me see my faults and reflect upon past behaviour- often from a different angle.  They lead by example, by living the things I would like to live.  They make observations about themselves that prompt consideration of how I feel/act about such things.  Or make different choices than I would have made, but nevertheless interesting and enlightening

The best way to learn really - these people know that if they intentionally try to make me do something, I probably won't.  But if I see the benefit for myself, I may well give it a go.  And that's if they are aware of the impact anyway.  And in anycase, it makes me look at myself.  The difficulty is not to see what you want to see - but see what is really there.

And also sometimes people that don't mean anything still make observations, or behave in a way that make one learn about oneself.  It might just be that you consider what they have done, and vow not to make the same mistake, (in your eyes) or to achieve the same ends by different means.

Even people we really don't respect can be learnt from - although it is harder to take on board their actions, simply because we don't respect them.  We might not even listen.  But sometimes their approach is just so different from our own, it is hard to draw parallels.  We just come from different backgrounds.
People might accuse me of being a bleeding heart liberal, but I do believe that most people have something to offer.  They may be in the wrong job, or the wrong relationship, or the wrong culture, to influence properly and feel at home, but they will have some benefit even in adversity.  Taking a bikini with you on a 6 month work trip to the antarctic might seem incongruous, but it will remind you that there is a place where it can be worn.

Or people we don't even know.  Like a rock band of four guys in jeans - what could they possibly have in common with me? 

... apart from a yearning to understand myself.  Knowing that people influence me.

Lyrics really are the most powerful thing.  The all-seeing and gut-wrenching poems for the modern age.

We are all influenced in subtle ways.  Some new, some just a reminder of things we already know.  And it helps to be reminded.