Tuesday 2 August 2011

Transition and simplicity

Erwin G. Kotzab, Photographer

'She sees shooting stars and comet tails
She's got heaven in her eyes
She says I don't need to be an angel
But I'm nothing if I'm not this high
But we only stay in orbit
For a moment of time'

Counting Crows

Thank you to this wonderful group of musicians for these words.  There are too many meanings in them to count, but that's ok.  I feel refreshed and revived today.  Ready to face the new world.  It's good knowing I have such good friends that they can put up with my silliness, and my sensibilities.

Aim high.  There's nothing wrong with that at all - it's a question of purpose and design.  Having a purpose helps you to take one step after the other to reach something wonderful.  Design is about working out what steps to take to get there.  Looking up into the canopy leads you to ask what else is up there.  Trying to climb a tree to aim higher is probably not a good idea - you may fall, or get stuck, but you get a good view while you are up there.  And that stays with you for a long time.

'Many people die with their music still in them.  Why is this so?  Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live.  Before they know it, time runs out.' 
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Supreme Court Judge and Moral Sceptic

I am lucky, so lucky to have what I have.  I may waver, but I do believe that everything good is worth fighting for.  It's hard work sometimes.  Often.  Maybe even every day.  But the time to worry is when you don't care and so can't be bothered to fight.  That is the step into oblivion.

But it is worth fighting for more.  Everyone who is worth something sees comet tails and shooting stars.  One should have heaven in your eyes, and if someone sees you as heaven, then relish the joy of it, irrespective of what might happen tomorrow or the next day.  Live for the moment, plan for tomorrow.

'To change one's life:  Start immediately.  Do it flamboyantly.  No exceptions. ' William James, Philosopher
 Well, get on and do it now!