I don't break easily. I have no doubt that I could be broken - particularly if someone was peculiarly close to knowing the real me. But whilst it might happen, it would be understandable. And so I would know why.
And would accept. I have to accept. Fighting eternal power is fruitless.
I hope that there would never be a reason to fear such a thing. Knots can be untied, they don't have to be cut. That I can deal with every eventuality... Well, I've made that my goal.
I don't regret. I analyse, understand, catalogue and move on. I know where my towel is. Well, most of the time.
I am a product of my experiences. If I had had different ones, I would be a different person now. Not so... curious. Not so ... patient.
I've not had everything I ever wanted. But I have had lots that I did, once want. That I still do want.
A paradigm of paradoxes.
Yep, that describes me well.