Monday, 13 June 2011

Grey day

I have to admit yesterday was like a flight above the clouds. Up here, the air is pure and you can see for miles. Beautiful thoughts, challenging yet peaceful revelations. Thoughts for the near future, ignoring the distant for now, gave me great happiness.

This morning I've descended into the mist a little. Not due to yesterday, although perhaps subconsciously I have now let Angels and demons fight it out. Perhaps I've been sidestepping their battle, although their differences are well discussed. Sometimes it's difficult to tell who is who... It depends where you stand to observe. It takes a valued friend to point these things out. When you're too close it's hard to see things clearly.

The larger cause of the descent is the realisation that one of my duties has failed by a reputable standard. It is not entirely down to me, but as I have been driving things forward, it is by default. However, at least I now know what should be done. Whether it will be, is another matter entirely.

A further cloud is the lack of knowledge on what to do with a certain issue. I've tried what I can; I now wait for response. Waiting is no hardship, if I get a response. My fear is that I will hear nothing. Frustration wiill follow.

I will now make every effort to rise again. Being down here doesn't suit me.